GURT Resource Center Your Gate Into Ukrainian Civil Society
Your Gate Into Ukrainian Civil Society

Inclusive vocational education and training in Ukraine

Up-to-date facility, equipment, manuals, and professional teachers create favorable conditions to introduce inclusive vocational education and training.

During the official trip to Odesa oblast in May 2018, Maryna Poroshenko, the First Lady of Ukraine, visited Odesa Center of Vocational Education and Training meeting with students of inclusive group where young people with hearing disabilities successfully obtain the installer of sanitary equipment occupation. Students are being trained the brand new Training and Resource Center established in the frame of Swiss-Ukrainian project “Public Private Partnership to Improve Sanitary Education in Ukraine” implemented by GURT.

Core-funded by the Embassy of Sweden, the GURT Resource Center stimulates reforming the vocational education and training system in Ukraine. Training and Resource Center in Odesa is the one among twenty five similar contemporary educational facilities established in all regions of Ukraine. Six centers were funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in partnership with Geberit Trading Company. Other 19 centers were funded by the Government of Ukraine following the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.